Increasingly website security has become a major concern for all businesses around the world. No matter how large or small your website is modern day hackers have ever increasing reasons to be interested in your site, very often it has nothing to do with what you do. WordPress Websites, especially eCommerce websites that take personal and confidential information from visitors are at exceptional risk and security has become more import. For this reason, we provide a comprehensive website security review service.
Over and above just a notice stating that information is kept confidential the Website Security Review service focuses on many elements of a WordPress Website. Checking versions of the WordPress platform, themes and plugins are up to date is just a small part of the review. Loopholes or flaws in the code are examined, as are website security certificates. Any back door or potential entry point into your website is identified and remedial action taken by our experienced staff.
The website security review service is suitable for any business with a WordPress Website.
If you have any concerns about the security of your WordPress Website contact us for a Web Security review. This unique service delivers maximum peace of mind for all customers.