Responsive Web Design

A WordPress website is accessed in a multitude of ways and ensuring your website works with each device is vital. Today a WordPress website needs to more than just opened on a mobile phone or tablet, it must deliver the expected functionality.  Responsive web design from Headway Digital delivers the best possible customer experience to every website visitor regardless of how they are viewing your website.

Why is Responsive Design needed?

There is a difference between mobile friendly and a responsive website.  Mobile friendly means a website can be opened from a mobile device while responsive design means a website can be fully interacted with on any mobile device.

At Headway Digital, we understand responsive design for WordPress websites. We know that it is much more than just optimising the layout, text, and images on a website so it works on any device. Responsive website design is understanding how users interact and behave when accessing a website on a mobile device. Menu structures have to change, click on buttons need to be rethought and user workflows have to be reimagined to deliver optimal performance and user satisfaction.  

The entire WordPress development plan needs to include as many conceivable web access variants and possible that are incorporated into one design or solution. For this reason, responsive design expertise is needed.

To find out more about how your website can be improved through responsive design or redesign contact Headway Digital today.